Pension Protection

% Green:
% Yellow:
% Red:
Voting Detail:
% Ratified:

Commentaire officiel du parti

The resolution is consistent with earlier approved policy, complementary to G08-p098 and does not conflict with other resolutions being presented.


WHEREAS federal and provincial bankruptcy laws allow pension funds to be captured as property of the employer in bankruptcy, in order to pay creditors of the employer;

WHEREAS, due to those bankruptcy laws, Canadian courts have often reduced benefits to workers guaranteed by their pension plans; and

WHEREAS Justice James Farley, Ontario Superior Court, has warned that pension funds and pension benefits earned by workers are now at risk in law, asking for pension and bankruptcy laws to be reviewed by federal and provincial governments;


BE IT RESOLVED that, in order to protect the pension benefits which workers have earned and the capital and earnings of Pension Trust Funds created by their contributors and the contributions from their employers required by law, The Green Party of Canada calls upon the Government of Canada and the Government of Manitoba to revise bankruptcy laws, in order to prevent any employer in bankruptcy from gaining possession of the Pension Trust Funds, its capital, and its earnings which that employer administers in trust.

Chris Alders, Damon Bath, Wesley Stevens, Joe Foster, Danny Polifroni, Andrew Weaver, Eric Walton, Scott Harrison, Rick Freeman, Patricia Farnese, Karl Mech, Michelle Mech, Stacey Leadbetter, Vanessa Long, Lorraine Rekmans, Andrew Park, Grant Sharp, Roslyn Woodcock, Dirk Heoppner, Erich Jacoby Hawkins


Pension plans in Canada seem to be under attack and need to be protected in order to secure the future of retirees.

Currently, when bankruptcy occurs, the retiree is most open to abuse or or losing all or part of their pensions.



Type de résolution



Brian Timlick

Commentaire officiel du parti

The resolution is consistent with earlier approved policy, complementary to G08-p098 and does not conflict with other resolutions being presented.


WHEREAS federal and provincial bankruptcy laws allow pension funds to be captured as property of the employer in bankruptcy, in order to pay creditors of the employer;

WHEREAS, due to those bankruptcy laws, Canadian courts have often reduced benefits to workers guaranteed by their pension plans; and

WHEREAS Justice James Farley, Ontario Superior Court, has warned that pension funds and pension benefits earned by workers are now at risk in law, asking for pension and bankruptcy laws to be reviewed by federal and provincial governments;


BE IT RESOLVED that, in order to protect the pension benefits which workers have earned and the capital and earnings of Pension Trust Funds created by their contributors and the contributions from their employers required by law, The Green Party of Canada calls upon the Government of Canada and the Government of Manitoba to revise bankruptcy laws, in order to prevent any employer in bankruptcy from gaining possession of the Pension Trust Funds, its capital, and its earnings which that employer administers in trust.


Chris Alders, Damon Bath, Wesley Stevens, Joe Foster, Danny Polifroni, Andrew Weaver, Eric Walton, Scott Harrison, Rick Freeman, Patricia Farnese, Karl Mech, Michelle Mech, Stacey Leadbetter, Vanessa Long, Lorraine Rekmans, Andrew Park, Grant Sharp, Roslyn Woodcock, Dirk Heoppner, Erich Jacoby Hawkins


Pension plans in Canada seem to be under attack and need to be protected in order to secure the future of retirees.

Currently, when bankruptcy occurs, the retiree is most open to abuse or or losing all or part of their pensions.