cheap solar power poised to undercut oil and gas by half
Blog | Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007The following article was in the Monday, February 19/2007 issue of the Daily Telegraph... thought you fellow greens would be interested.... The 'polymer' they may be talking about may be an infrared...
Reality sets in....CO2 challenge....
Blog | Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007The atmosphere approximately represents about 1.54x10^22 litres of air (not including changes due to density and temperature, on a purely volumetric assessment...) so we have to process 92.8 ppm of...
Global Warming and the Ozone Layer and Global Warming
Blog | Tuesday, 27 Feb 2007Just when everyone thought the hole in the ozone layer was on the mend, that's the hole over Antarctica, suddenly it expanded to its previous maximum size in 2001, making it as large as the whole of...
Waste - Landfills
Blog | Monday, 26 Feb 2007I live in the Ottawa area, near what it referred to as the "Carp Mountain". It is an enormous landfill that compares in height to the Scotia Bank Place, home of the Ottawa Senators that is nearby....
Government is taxing your childcare benefits
Blog | Monday, 26 Feb 2007I wonder how many people are aware that their childcare benefit payments count as income and are being taxed back by the Conservatives. Recently, my wife and I, along with all other parents with a...
Our web site front page stuck fast
Blog | Monday, 26 Feb 2007I would be the first to say that the "design" of our web site front page is great. Well done web team. BUT... It remains stuck fast. The same news items and the same blogs day after day after day. SO...
On the GO
Blog | Monday, 26 Feb 2007I am writing from the GO train in Burlington, Ontario. The clever acronym “GO” means it is a Government of Ontario transit system. The double-decker green train is still parked at the platform for...
The Long Goodbye to GDP
Blog | Sunday, 25 Feb 2007Featuring Elizabeth May The Long Goodbye to GDP The Agenda, live from the Munk Centre for International Studies. Progress, productivity, employment: the holy trinity of our capitalist way of life....
Courage in Saint John
Blog | Sunday, 25 Feb 2007In our society courage is often demonstrated but unfortunately and paradoxically seldom noticed. A classic ‘for instance’ are those who for decades carried the load of educating, cajoling, and...
2010? Why can't I buy a super-efficient non-hybrid car right now?
Blog | Saturday, 24 Feb 2007I am delighted to see more hybrid cars on the roads these days; here on tiny Saltspring Island there are said to be more than 35 on the road, and in nearby Victoria it seems that a good proportion of...