May Warns of Sabotage to Women`s Rights
Media Release | Thursday, 26 Apr 2012Woodworth Motion an Effort to End Abortion Access OTTAWA – Conservative Stephen Woodworth’s motion M-312 on the legal status of abortion to be introduced in the House of Commons today for debate will...
Petition Calls for End to Security Certificates
Media Release | Wednesday, 25 Apr 2012OTTAWA – Green Party leader Elizabeth May today submitted a petition, collected by the family of terrorism suspect Mohamed Harkat, opposing the use of Security Certificates. At the same time, she...
Harper Conservatives Weaken Fisheries Protection
Media Release | Tuesday, 24 Apr 2012In the guise of merely clarifying the Fisheries Act, the Harper Conservatives have introduced changes with the potential to remove federal protection of ecosystems across Canada. "As the Fisheries...
Alberta Stays Progressive Conservative, Rejects Harper Conservative Option
Media Release | Tuesday, 24 Apr 2012OTTAWA - In an election where climate became an issue, the party speaking to climate skeptics was trounced - a clear indication that ignoring the environment does not win votes. Candidates who made...
Earth Day More Important than Ever
Media Release | Sunday, 22 Apr 2012SIDNEY, BC - Since the first Earth Day in 1970, Canada has seen steady progress in environmental legislation and protections -- until this year. This Earth Week was marked by announcements from the...
Thank you volunteers!
Media Release | Thursday, 19 Apr 2012April 15 to 21 is National Volunteer Week across Canada. The Green Party of Canada sends a sincere thank you to all of the many volunteers across the country who engage in their communities. "All...
How Orwellian traps are laid
Blog | Thursday, 19 Apr 2012When I heard that ForestEthics, a group targeted in a Prime Minister’s Office memorandum as an “adversary” of the PMO agenda, had decided to split its activities so as to make advocacy a separate arm...
May’s bill would end shark fin sales
Media Release | Wednesday, 18 Apr 2012SIDNEY, BC - Elizabeth May, Leader of the Green Party of Canada and Member of Parliament for Saanich-Gulf Islands, has tabled the first Green Party bill: Bill C-417 An Act to amend the Fish...
Harper assault on environment continues
Media Release | Tuesday, 17 Apr 2012SIDNEY, BC -- Prime Minister Harper has dropped any pretence that he cares about Canada’s natural environment, reducing the federal government’s oversight role to miniscule proportions. “It is full...
Charter of Rights and Freedoms being threatened
Media Release | Tuesday, 17 Apr 2012SIDNEY, BC – An increasing number of Canadians are aware of the Harper Conservatives’ attacks on our democracy – proroguing and contempt of Parliament, limiting debate, secret committee hearings –...