
    Green Party Statement on Remembrance Day

    Media Release | Friday, 09 Nov 2012
    OTTAWA – November 11th is a day to remember that soldiers die believing they were sent for a reason, a noble cause, to defend, to liberate.  Women and men of the military are willing to make the...

    Canada’s Arctic in the crucible

    Blog | Sunday, 04 Nov 2012
    There are many different visions of the Arctic. There is Stephen Harper’s annual summer trip with its proclamations of “use it or lose it.” Yet, his promises for deep sea ports, ice breakers, and new...

    Win dinner with Elizabeth May or a Via Rail gift card!

    Blog | Saturday, 03 Nov 2012
    Phone canvassing has been going very well so far. I want to give a big thanks to all of the volunteers who have been making calls! But with only 24 days to go until election day, we are launching an...

    This laundry Czechs out

    Blog | Friday, 02 Nov 2012
    Prague is a very beautiful and historic city.  Something about the Czech people seems to lead them to question traditional thinking and to express themselves openly through the arts.   Many theatres...

    Canada’s Hands Could Soon to Be Tied Until 2044

    Media Release | Thursday, 01 Nov 2012
    OTTAWA – Tomorrow – Friday, November 2 – Prime Minister Harper and the Privy Council can legally ratify the Canada-China Investment Treaty (FIPA). Assuming that China also ratifies the treaty, there...

    Budget Bill Treacherous to Navigation

    Blog | Wednesday, 31 Oct 2012
    On Thursday, October 18, Jim Flaherty tabled yet another Budget Omnibus Bill. C-45 has some similarities with last spring’s C-38. Both are omnibus bills. Both purport to implement aspects of the...

    Get the right deal, not a rushed deal

    Blog | Tuesday, 30 Oct 2012
    Permit me to begin this article by wishing we had one thousandths the level of media coverage of CETA into the Canada-China Investment Treaty.  By the time you read this, the likelihood is that...