
    “Where Will Harper’s Isolationist Agenda Take Us?”

    Media Release | Thursday, 04 Apr 2013
    OTTAWA – In the wake of the recent withdrawal by Canada from the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, the Green Party of Canada condemns the Canadian abandonment of three other...

    My Critics Favour "Truthiness" Over Fact

    Blog | Wednesday, 03 Apr 2013
    I don't know Mr. McCullough, but in reviewing his blogs he seems to have embraced the weary cynic style of punditry. The strange attack on me as a pointless entity, "The Stonehenge of Canadian...

    My Critics Favour “Truthiness” Over Fact

    Blog | Monday, 01 Apr 2013
    I don’t know Mr. McCullough, but in reviewing his blogs he seems to have embraced the weary cynic style of punditry. The strange attack on me as a pointless entity, “The Stonehenge of Canadian...

    I Stand Behind My Tweet Comparing Canada To North Korea

    Blog | Thursday, 28 Mar 2013
    This is a larger, more esoteric blog than merely defending my use of North Korea and Canada in the same sentence. But, okay, I am also defending my use of North Korea and Canada in the same sentence...

    New and Improved Oil Spills!

    Blog | Thursday, 28 Mar 2013
    Harper’s public relations and spin team hit Vancouver last week to unveil their super-duper enviro-protection plan for pipelines and tankers. Minister of Natural Resources Joe Oliver and Minister of...