Green Party of Canada congratulates Australian Greens
Statement | Thursday, 26 Aug 2010The Green Party of Canada extends its congratulations to the Green Party of Australia on their success in the recent Australian general election. History has been made and we look forward to...
Rwandan Democratic Green Party Vice-President Assassinated: Greens calls for Investigation
Statement | Thursday, 15 Jul 2010OTTAWA -- A full investigation is needed into the actions of the Rwandan Government, political violence and the ongoing Presidential elections. The Green Party of Canada wishes to convey our deep...
Greens saddened by the loss of Jim Bohlen
Statement | Friday, 09 Jul 2010OTTAWA - Founding member of both Greenpeace and the Canadian Federal Green Party, Jim Bohlen, passed away on Monday at the age of 84. An ardent environmental activist known for his anti-nuclear...
Happy Birthday Dalai Lama
Statement | Tuesday, 06 Jul 2010OTTAWA -- Canadian Green Leader Elizabeth May sends warm birthday wishes to His Holiness the Dalai Lama. “A wonderful human being, the Dalai Lama inspires to make the world a better place, and...
Green Party joins calls for a public inquiry into G8/G20 meetings
Statement | Wednesday, 30 Jun 2010The Green Party of Canada is calling for a public inquiry into the planning, security, and police conduct at the G8 and G20 meetings this past weekend. Today, Green Leader Elizabeth May issued the...
Greens celebrate Haida Gwaii marine protected area
Statement | Thursday, 10 Jun 2010OTTAWA -- The news of the new Haida Gwaii marine protected area was greeted with celebratory joy within the Green Party of Canada. The new area protects 3500 square kilometres of the Hecate Strait...
Bill C-389 : Support Gender Equity in the Canadian Human Rights Act
Statement | Monday, 07 Jun 2010OTTAWA -- Bill C-389 amends the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal Code to include gender identity and gender expression. The Green Party of Canada urges all members of Parliament to vote in...
Jacques Rivard Steps Down as Deputy Leader
Statement | Monday, 07 Jun 2010OTTAWA – As Leader of the Green Party of Canada, I regret to announce that Jacques Rivard has decided to step down as my Deputy Leader. In his time as Deputy, Jacques brought tremendous energy and...
National Volunteer Week, from April 18-24
Statement | Thursday, 22 Apr 2010OTTAWA - The Green Party is pleased and proud to celebrate the incredible achievements of our grassroots volunteers. We thank each and every one of you for your efforts, in whatever form, that help...
Holocaust Remembrance Day
Statement | Monday, 12 Apr 2010OTTAWA -- Today marks Yom Hashoah U'Mered HaGetaot, Holocaust Remembrance Day, when we honour the six million Jews who were murdered by the Nazi regime. It has been 65 years since the end of World...