Kiara Nazon

Young Greens - Co-Chair

As a Carleton University student, Kiara first got involved with the Green Party when she helped co-found CU Greens. More recently, she participated in the Paint the Island Green program, and returned in the fall as GOTV Coordinator for David Merner’s campaign. Kiara was also recently elected as the University Representative for the Ottawa Centre EDA.

As the former President of UNICEF Carleton (and formerly Director of Finance) and past Vice-Head for Carleton’s Fall Orientation, Kiara has experience organizing and leading large, effective teams. Her experience interning at a centre for people with disabilities helped her further develop advocacy skills and taught her where changes need to begin to be most effective—internal structures. Fluent in both English and French, Kiara would be able to communicate with Young Greens from across the country in the official language of their choice.

Kiara believes that youth are more than the future of this party—they are the present! Young Greens have countless ideas and are eager to help—they just need opportunities. Kiara wants to help create internal structures that allow youth to contribute in big, meaningful ways, and get the training needed to do it well. She also knows that the party needs to do better on diversity and inclusion—and that starts from within. Kiara believes that working within governance structures is the best way to foster an atmosphere where people of colour and other marginalized people feel not just welcomed, but championed.


Samantha Burns, Hannah Conover-Arthurs, Maddie Turenne, Elizabeth Fraser, Emma-Jane Burian, Maia Knight, Grant McIllhargey, Sabine Moller, Mackenzie Kerr, Emily Hiser