SGM 2016 FAQ

What is a Special General Meeting?

A Special General Meeting (SGM) is a gathering of the Green Party membership called outside of the regularly held Biennial General Meetings. Federal Council has the authority to call an SGM under Article 8 and Bylaw

Why is the Green Party holding a Special General Meeting?

This SGM has three core aims. We will:

  1. Re-open policy resolutions which did not achieve consensus at the August 2016 Convention;
  2. Discuss the‎ recommendations of the Special Parliamentary Committee on Electoral Reform;
  3. Review and adopt improved processes for policy making.

When and where is the Special General Meeting being held?

The Meeting has been called for December 3-4th, 2016, and will be held at the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology in Calgary, Alberta. For more information on accommodations, travel, and more, please visit our Logistics page.

Will the SGM be streamed live on the internet?

Yes. We are working to ensure that as much of the proceedings will be livestreamed as possible. More information will be available on this in coming weeks.

Will there be an option to vote online or by proxy if I can’t attend in person?

The Green Party of Canada does not have a proxy voting system. We intend to hold an online vote following the SGM so that all members can vote on motions adopted at the meeting.

Why doesn’t the Green Party hold ratification votes for policy motions, but does for constitutional motions?

The ratification of policy motions was a recent addition to our Constitution. Article 10.3.1 was added after passing at the 2006 and 2009 General Meetings:

Policy motions passed at a General Meeting shall only become effective upon Members in good standing passing an identically worded resolution by a vote of greater than 1/2 (50%) of the votes cast in a Members' vote conducted by mail-in ballot, with a ballot return date of no later than one-hundred-twenty (120) days following the General Meeting at which the Policy resolution was passed.

Policy motion ratification votes were held after both the 2010 and 2012 General Meetings. However, Article 10.3.1 was then removed from the Constitution through resolutions G10-C07 and G12-C01. This came into effect at the 2014 General Meeting. Of our 16 General Meetings since 1983, only two have had a policy ratification vote.

Federal Council wishes to reimplement a policy ratification process to give each member a voice. As this is not currently in our Constitution, in order to make this vote binding following our Special General Meeting, we will conduct an Online Special General Meeting from December 7 to January 6.

How can I contribute to the discussions at the Special General Meeting if I cannot attend in person?

We welcome all members and observers to watch the livestream of the SGM proceedings, and are working on integrating online discussion tools into the process. More information will be available on this in coming weeks.

Members are encouraged to reach out to the Federal Council member for their region in order to contribute feedback to be brought forward at the SGM. Members may also wish to contact their local EDA to see if a representative is being sent from their riding who can speak on their behalf. As always, we welcome feedback from all via

What is the Online Special General Meeting?

The OSGM is an opportunity for those who cannot attend the in-person Meeting in Calgary to make their voices heard. It will consist of an online vote that will allow us to ensure that the policy outcomes developed at the Special General Meeting reflect the will of the membership as a whole. The OSGM vote will be open from December 7th to January 6th.

How will the membership arrive at consensus on the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) resolution?

The agenda for the Special General Meeting is being crafted with the intent to provide sufficient time to reach consensus, and we are exploring ways in which we can foster improved communication and teamwork throughout the weekend. By creating a less adversarial environment in which to exchange ideas, we hope that members will be able to work through disagreements on complex topics like BDS in order to arrive at resolutions that reflect our shared Green goals and values.

Can I submit resolutions for consideration at the SGM?

Yes. Details can be found on our resolutions page. Please note that motions submitted at this stage will be presented for consideration as emergency resolutions at the SGM.

In what order will resolutions be debated at the AGM?

Members will have the opportunity to decide the order of resolutions at the start of the Special General Meeting on December 3.

Can media attend the SGM?

For the SGM, Federal Council and the Executive have opted to keep the focus on member-to-member consensus-building. Media and third-party advocacy groups are welcome to view the SGM livestream. Media availability for the Leader and President will be held daily on site to take questions. Some portion of the meeting will be open to media. Further details will be forthcoming.

How do I ask more questions?

Please email us at if you have further questions.