Policy - 1988

August 31 and September 1, 1988





















The Canadian Greens will support the principle of universal access to flexible, public funded, non-profit childcare.


"Ecofeminism is vital to green politics. The forces which are responsible for the competition and patriarchal domination of women and other oppressed minorities are the same forces that are destroying the Earth. Ecofeminism involves close examination of cultural symptoms of alienation from the Earth; sexism, racism, classism, species-ism, militarism, and exploitation of resources are examples of such alienation. As people of an alienated cultural, we carry internalized systems of domination into our work as Canadian Greens. It is an ongoing and interpersonal journey for us to rid ourselves of behavioral patterns that hurt ourselves, others, and the environment. Qualities such as cooperation and nurturance are fundamental to a green world. Ecofeminists seek to understand the interconnected roots of all domination and to learn ways of achieving balanced behavior. Canadian Greens believe personal and social change are part of a process by which we build sustainable community."


Canadian Greens encourage Greens in their various localities to begin to establish institutions and projects such as: Community farms; alternative schools; alternative economic structures; Green credit unions; community meeting places; a camps network; a home hostel network; Green stores (stocking Green products); Green counseling, referral, and education service centres; a Green youth movement, Green children's toys (water testing kits); Green science fairs and offering prizes for existing science fairs and literary contests; Green political drama groups; Green cultural development network; Green book distribution; Green publishing house (books, music, records, films); Green magazines; international gathering place; information distribution centres; a Green tourist multi-language phrase book; and union environmental committees.

The names of those interested in working to establish such Green societal structures now will be mutually distributed and the discussion of ways and means and strategies will begin using the multilogue system. The Canadian Greens move for national recognition of and status for the above network committee, and invite additional participants and project/ institution ideas.


The Canadian Greens embrace the values expressed in the following statement: "A growing number of people are recognizing that in order to secure the clean air, water, and food that we need to healthfully survive, we have to become guardians of the places where we live. People sense the loss in not knowing our neighbours and natural surroundings, and are discovering that the best way to take care of ourselves, and to get to know our neighbors, is to protect and restore our region. Bioregionalism recognizes, nurtures, sustains and celebrates our local connections with: Land, Plants and Animals, Springs, Rivers, Lakes, Groundwater & Oceans, Air, Families, Friends, Neighbours, Community, Native Traditions, Indigenous Systems of Production & Trade. It is taking time to learn the possibilities of place. It is a mindfulness of local environment, history, and community aspirations that leads to a sustainable future. It relies on safe and renewable sources of food and energy. It ensures employment by supplying a rich diversity of services within the community, by recycling our resources, and by exchanging prudent surpluses with other regions. Bioregionalism is working to satisfy basic needs locally, such as education, health care and self-governance. The bioregional perspective recreates a widely-shared sense of regional identity founded upon a renewed critical awareness of and respect for the integrity of our ecological communities. People are joining with neighbours to discuss ways we can work together to:

Learn what our special local resources are.
Plan how to best protect and use those natural and cultural resources.
Exchange our time and energy to best meet our daily and long-term needs.
Enrich our children's local and planetary knowledge.

Security begins by acting responsibly at home."


The Canadian Greens would:

Call upon all levels of government to institute programs for sorting and recycling of organic wastes.
Establish a federal agricultural land reserve program.
Encourage direct marketing and local economic development.
Promote self-sufficiency in food production.
Ensure that food prices reflect the true environmental costs of production.
Phase out nitrogen fertilizers from petro-chemicals.
Adopt a set of national organic farming standards similar to those set out by the already organized organic growers associations.
Offer tax incentives to farmers for conversion to organic agricultural methods as defined in the national standards.
Include horticulture in children's education.
Offer strong support for small family and cooperatively managed farms, possibly through tax incentives.
Promote crop rotation and soil conservation in order to maintain the quality of the land.


Whereas Armed Forces have traditionally been used to protect us from threats to our security, and recognizing that today the major threats to security are: the threats of war, the depletion of the resource base, and deterioration of the atmosphere, water, and soil; and Whereas the Canadian Greens are working towards the goal of world peace by means of verifiable and universal disarmament; and Whereas the Canadian Greens wish to obtain a secure peace by means of non-violent political processes; and Whereas the Canadian Greens recognize Canada's unique position to play a vital part in the social evolution of civilization towards a peaceful planet; Therefore be it resolved that the Canadian Greens shall support the policy of active non-aligned neutrality for Canada. (The active promotion and practice of neutrality between warring nations or military alliances.) Further be it resolved that the Canadian Greens shall adopt these ten policies to achieve the desired objective of active non-aligned neutrality for Canada:

  1. The Canadian Greens would work to replace the Warsaw Pact and N.A.T.O. with an international agency, affiliated to the United Nations, whose objective would be a peaceful and de-militarized European Zone. Therefore, the Canadian Greens would immediately serve our required one year notice of withdrawal from N.A.T.O. upon entering office. After that year of consultation the Canadian Greens would begin the phase out and withdrawal of all Canadian political and military involvement in N.A.T.O.
  2. The Canadian Greens would convert the Canadian Armed Forces to perform treaty verification, territorial monitoring, peace-keeping, Search and Rescue, and ecological reclamation. These converted resources should also be directed, in part, toward overcoming the environmental crisis. The ecological duties could include research of environmental abuse, ensuring environmental legislation is carried out, monitoring toxic storage facilities, and organizing clean-up programs.
  3. The Canadian Greens would replace Canada's involvement in N.O.R.A.D. with an independent Canadian Early Warning System. This system would monitor not only the northern but the southern, eastern, and western areas of Canada's sovereign territory. It would include not only radar but seismic, sonar, and electronic monitoring equipment as well to be used for the purposes of treaty verification and territorial integrity assurance. This would have a stabilizing effect since it would assure concerned foreign powers that Canada's land, seas, air, and outer space sectors could not be used for staging attacks upon other countries. Regular U.N., Soviet, and American verification would be allowed upon this system.
  4. The Canadian Greens would support a nuclear-free policy for Canada which includes:
    the cessation of exploration for mining of radioactive materials;
    the shut-down of the nuclear industry including nuclear power plants;
    the cessation of trade in nuclear technology inside and outside Canada with the exception, (at this time), of that related to medical purposes;
    the banning of nuclear weapons and related technology from Canada; and
    the declaration of Canada as a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone, thus requiring proof that persons wishing to enter Canada prove that they or their vehicles are not carrying nuclear weapons.
  5. The Canadian Greens would establish a Ministry of Peace and Security. It would research and publicize peace programs; educate the public about non-violent social defense; conduct disarmament initiatives; and administer peace facilitation teams. The Ministry would work in close cooperation with appropriate United Nations' agencies.
  6. The Canadian Greens would place an immediate freeze, indexed to inflation, on the Department of National Defense's annual budget.
  7. The Canadian Greens would oppose the purchase of nuclear-powered submarines.
  8. The Canadian Greens would endorse the concept of an International Arctic-Nordic Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone. Further to this end it would also be our policy to co-establish a de-militarized Arctic Region. Canada could aid this cause by entering into tri-lateral talks with the United States and Soviet Union regarding peace treaty arrangements that also relate to Canada in terms of verification
  9. The Canadian Greens would ban the export, co-development, or resale of any military equipment or services to foreign powers. 10. The Canadian Greens would establish a Royal Commission on a comprehensive conversion of Canadian military research to civilian industry or treaty-verification technology production. The Canadian Greens would also halt weapons research, development, and testing programs, including the test of the cruise missile, war "games", the Strategic Defense Initiative, low-level bomber flights, and biological or chemical weapons research.


    Whereas the Canadian Greens recognize sustainability as a fundamental principle of Green economics; and Whereas the lack of respect for community, humane values, and environmental well-being characteristic of most large corporations and multi-national market forces are in fundamental contradiction to sustainability. Resolved that the Canadian Greens work to shift control of the economy towards economic activity managed by accountable communities, bioregions and worker cooperatives. Whereas the Canadian Greens recognize the value of protecting our economy at the cooperative community and bioregional levels, Resolved that The Canadian Greens promote legislation which will empower communities and regions to regulate economic activity through taxation, prohibition, etc. The Canadian Greens will also work toward these goals through diverse strategies and activities depending on local conditions; for example:

    Promoting the development of self-sufficiency for bioregions
    Promoting community resistance to the destruction of its economic bioregion
    Supporting legislation that promotes sustainable economic activity and legislation that restricts non-sustainable activity.
    Promoting the development of community exchange system such as LETS (Local Exchange Trading System) and barter
    Promoting the development of local and/or regional legal tender
    Promoting local economic activity based on voluntary reciprocity
    Educating and raising consciousness about sustainable consumer and producer practices
    Supporting environmentally benign products and producers.


    Whereas the proposals of Moscow-based ministries to construct large-scale phosphorite mines in Estonia will radioactively pollute and destroy the water table in a fertile agricultural area and render much of Estonia un-inhabitable; and Whereas lack of environmental control has led to coliform counts in populated areas of Estonia's Baltic Coast exceeding the permissible limit by five thousand times; and Whereas phosphorite mining and the construction of a deep-water export port in Estonia will compound the ecological crisis in the Baltic Sea; and Whereas intensive oil-shale mining in north-east Estonia has turned this area into a moonscape; and Whereas the construction of a new oil shale-based power station will further exacerbate the ecological problems of Estonia and its neighbours; and Whereas the encroachment of heavy and light industry into Lahemaa National Park threatens this ecologically unique and sensitive region; and Whereas the demographic crisis induced by colonialistic economic policies decided outside Estonia threatens to make the Estonian people a minority in their own land; and Whereas the nuclear and conventional militarization of Estonia is a threat to world peace and to the security of Northern Europe; The Canadian Greens:

    View the birth of the Estonia Green Movement as a timely and important event
    Support the aims of the Estonian Green Movement and its actions to solve the above and other problems
    Request the Canadian Greens to begin a file of correspondence and step into immediate contact with the Estonian Green Movement
    Urge the Soviet government to take urgent steps to avert ecological disaster in Estonia and the Baltic Sea
    Support the establishment of a Nordic Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone which includes Estonia and other Baltic states.


    Whereas education is the key to the socialization of the next generation; and if The Canadian Greens want a society based on Green values, The Canadian Greens have to look to the consequences of our formal and informal education activities; Therefore the Canadian Greens suggest that the prevailing educational paradigm based on the mechanistic industrial values be changed to an educational paradigm based on humanitarian sustainable values. Furthermore, if The Canadian Greens are to be change agents, The Canadian Greens must practice and publicize these paradigmatic approaches; Therefore the Canadian Greens suggest that Green publications, courses, and educational programs be set up wherever Green Movement and/or Green Party organizations exist. The "Green Teacher" is an example of this kind of project.


    Whereas the Canadian Greens are concerned with the dignity of human rights;

    1. The Canadian Greens deplore and oppose the illegal abduction of Mordecai Vanunu by the Israeli Government
    2. The Canadian Greens also declare the 24 hour Television surveillance, solitary confinement, and round-the-clock lights-on condition of his internment as a serious violation of fundamental human rights
    3. The Canadian Greens call upon the Israeli Government to declare a re-trial of Mordecai Vanunu by the United Nation's Court of Justice at The Hague
    4. The Canadian Greens further urge the Israeli Government to work towards making the Middle East a Nuclear Weapons-Free Zone.


    The Canadian Greens:

    Call on the Government to phase out, without delay, the production, use, and export of toxic herbicides and pesticides, and the use of antibiotics and hormones in meat, fish, and other food production
    Call on the Government to offer farmers tax incentives to go organic
    Call on all Green Party candidates to have statements "Safe air, water and food" in what we stand for and work towards for all of us and our children
    Support labeling and the use of a seal of environmental approval (for environmentally safe products) such as the ones currently used in California and Germany. This logo should be easy to recognize, be positive, and in use across the country
    Are unalterably opposed to irradiated food because it is hazardous to consume and dangerous to produce
    Are opposed to the distribution of radioactive isotopes for the purposes of food irradiation
    Seek to prevent the creation of an infrastructure for the irradiation industry
    Believe that food irradiation presents citizens and consumers with greater health and safety risks than it offers in real benefits
    Insist upon accurate labeling of any and all irradiated foods and food ingredients which are distributed despite our best efforts to prevent the irradiation of food
    Seek to establish sound public policies which prohibit food irradiation
    Encourage public citizen participation at all levels of government and industry
    Do not acknowledge or agree that the health of people should be compromised for the sake of nuclear technologies and profit motivation
    Support and encourage sustainable, ecologically balanced methods of food production, harvest, and distribution
    Believe life is too precious, and the Earth too beautiful to be assaulted by the technology of food irradiation
    Depend ultimately upon the active participation of public citizens and like-minded organizations to insure the success of this movement.


    Whereas The Canadian Greens need to do no less than what is required for the maximization of the self-fulfillment of most people , both present and future generations, but no more that the capacity of the world and universe to maintain a sustainable rate of use of non-renewable resources into the infinite future; and Whereas the often stated primary purpose and objectives of most individuals and corporations is to "maximize profit"; and Whereas having those values as a primary purpose and objective tends to distract people from the harm their economic activity is doing to themselves and other natural ecological beings and process; Therefore the Canadian Greens promote the concept that the fundamental purpose of economic activity is to create and produce only those goods and services that are necessary and useful in the pursuit of self-fulfillment collectively as well as individually, and for the preservation and nurturing of a natural life and process for its own sake.


    Whereas the Canadian Greens policy on trade must be consistent with the research and spirit of the United Nations World Commission on Environment and Developments' report "Our Common Future" (Brundtland Report) released in 1987; and Whereas the Commission examined the relationship between human survival and environmental protection and proposed that all development should be in accord with the criteria of "sustainable development"; and Whereas the Canadian Environmental Advisory Council proposed that there is "an obligation for public consultation, input, and education on the environmental implications of 'Free Trade' negotiations" and the Canadian Government did not respond to these recommendations and in the hundreds of papers released on free trade there are none dealing with environmental impacts; and

    Whereas the International market has historically been a centralizing influence which has resulted in monolithic world economic structures which have led to the deterioration of the natural and social environment of dependent and developing countries; Therefore the Canadian Greens cannot support any trade program which does not deal directly with the issues of sustainable development. The Canadian Greens favour a fair trade policy for Canada. The Canadian Greens trade policy should insure local and bioregional self-reliance principles with support for smaller and developing countries. The Canadian Greens trade policy will hold foremost a principle of resources conservation which will not sacrifice long-term sustainability to short-term economic gains and will strive to achieve a more equitable distribution of wealth and power among peoples and regions. The Canadian Greens support the empowerment of a committee to outreach to Greens within the United States to speak on the topic of the "Free Trade Agreement". This committee will disseminate all relevant information on the "Free Trade" issue and will ask United States Greens to bring the matter up for debate within their area, Congress-persons, etc. such as the periodical "Green Letter" in San Francisco which has a circulation of 5000.


    Whereas the Canadian Greens promote sustainability as an important goal, the Canadian Greens propose the following definition: Activities are sustainable when they:

    Use materials in continuing cycles
    Use continuously reliable sources of energy
    Come mainly from the potentials of being human, ie. communication, creativity, coordination, appreciation, and spiritual and intellectual development. Activities are non-sustainable when they:
    Require continual input of non-renewable resources
    Use renewable resources faster than their rate of renewal
    Cause cumulative degradation of the environment
    Require resources in quantities that could never be available for all people
    Lead to the extinction of other life forms.

    In this context The Canadian Greens propose that non-sustainable activities be taxed and that the money collected be directed towards support for sustainable activities.


    Whereas factory ship fishing is inherently large-scale enterprise in direct competition with the smaller scale efforts of fishers who live nearer to the waters being utilized; and Whereas fish populations in waters adjacent to Canada are far lower than before human immigration from Europe; and Whereas these lowered fish populations represent a direct threat to the marine mammals which rely on fish for their food supply; Be it Resolved that the Canadian Greens support an end to all factory ship fishing in waters under Canadian jurisdiction.


    The Canadian Greens would remove from the Narcotics Control Act and invested to provincial jurisdiction the control of cannabis and its derivatives for personal use by an adult . The Canadian Greens would limit any charge for possession of cannabis and its derivatives for personal use by an adult to be never more than of a summary nature.


    The Canadian Greens affirms that human beings, as part of the natural world, must live in harmony with it. Human health and survival utterly depend on the health and survival of the planet which in turn depends on the sheer diversity of the other species sharing the planet with us; therefore, the health of humankind is equally dependent on the health and survival of other animals. Therefore all species have their intrinsic right to exist. Their existence need not be justified by their usefulness to humankind. All animals, whether wild or domesticated, have the right to fair and ethical treatment by human beings.


    The Canadian Greens acknowledge the right to kill animals to provide essentials. Consideration must be given to the needs of aboriginal peoples to determine their practices on their lands.


    The Canadian Greens would:

    Put in place new comprehensive legislation, with much stiffer penalties, to prevent cruelty to animals
    Increased funding for the animal protection functions of provincial humane societies
    Increased funding for pounds and humane societies for spay/neuter clinics, extended holding days for impounded animals, and innovative pet placement programs
    Put an end to pound seizure.


    The Canadian Greens would:

    Establish and enforce standards for the care of farm animals and animals in fur ranches
    Phase out battery farming through stringent measures to favour free-range husbandry
    Ban the sale and production of milk-fed veal and any other agricultural practices requiring continuous close confinement
    Encourage a reduction in meat consumption with an educational campaign
    Ban the import and export of live animals over long distances
    Ban the use of growth stimulants for meat animals and the routine use of antibiotics in animal feeds.


    The Canadian Greens would:

    1. Ban the use of animals for the testing of cosmetics and household products, for psychological research, and other non-medical research
    2. Set up independent, community-based committees to review all research projects involving animals
    3. Fund research into alternatives to animal testing for medical and psychological research with the aim to eventually phase it out
    4. Prohibit the killing of animals for educational dissection.


    The Canadian Greens Would:

    1. Ban hunting, trapping, and fishing in all provincial parks, conservation areas, and Crown game preserves
    2. Substantially increase the number of conservation officers
    3. Establish more stringent requirements to obtain a hunting license
    4. Increase the penalties for poaching.
    5. Ban the leg-hold trap and other slow-kill trapping methods
    6. Require the permission of the owner for trapping on public parkways which pass through private land
    7. Eliminate predator bounties.
    8. Support federal funding to establish appropriate economic alternatives to commercial fur trapping for aboriginal peoples.


    The Canadian Greens would:

    Require that animals imported for zoos must have been born in captivity or be projects to save a nearly extinct species
    Set up strict standards for the treatment of animals used for entertainment in horse racing, zoos, circuses, etc
    Not allow new forms of entertainment using animals; ie dog racing, rodeos, bull fighting, etc.