Green Party calls for recall of Parliament to debate the desperate situation in Afghanistan
Monday, 16 Aug 2021 - OTTAWA – The Green Party is calling on the Prime Minister to ask the Governor General to reconvene Parliament to debate Canada’s response to the foreign policy emergency unfolding in Afghanistan, and...
With A Green Future, Life with Dignity and a Just Society Canadians will succeed in addressing immense challenges ahead, says Green Party Leader Annamie Paul
Sunday, 15 Aug 2021 - OTTAWA – Green Party of Canada Leader Annamie Paul kicked off her Toronto Centre campaign today calling for Canadians to: BE DARING! “In order to confront the biggest challenges, and seize the...
Green Party condemns China’s harsh sentences for two Canadians
Friday, 13 Aug 2021 - OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada condemns the harsh sentences handed down to Canadians by Chinese courts. Robert Schellenberg, originally sentenced to 15 years in prison for drug trafficking, has...
“IPCC findings must strengthen our resolve to do all we can as a global community to avert the worst impacts of global warming,” says Green Party Leader Annamie Paul
Monday, 09 Aug 2021 - OTTAWA – The Working Group 1 of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has released its Sixth Assessment Report, laying out the current state of the climate, the role of...
The devastating heat-related deaths in British Columbia should mobilise all of Canada to adopt an ambitious climate action plan, says Annamie Paul
Friday, 30 Jul 2021 - OTTAWA – British Columbia’s chief coroner, Lisa Lapointe confirmed this week that 570 of the 815 sudden deaths that occurred during B.C.’s recent extreme heat event, are directly attributable to the...
Greens call for an extension on full CRB as deadline for reduced payments looms
Wednesday, 21 Jul 2021 - OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada is calling on the government to abandon its cuts to the Canada Recovery Benefit (CRB). Almost 735,000 new individuals were approved for CRB between June 20 to...
Green Party of Canada Announces New Shadow Cabinet
Thursday, 08 Jul 2021 - OTTAWA - The Leader of the Green Party of Canada, Annamie Paul, has announced the first members of the newest cohort of the Green Party of Canada Shadow Cabinet. Over the course of the week, new...
Greens call on federal government to decriminalize possession of opioids and other illicit drugs before Canada Day
Friday, 18 Jun 2021 - OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada is calling on the federal government to save lives by immediately decriminalizing possession of opioids and other illicit drugs and creating a national safe supply...
Following the horrific Islamophobic attack last week in London, Ontario, Green Party supports the National Council of Canadian Muslim’s call for a national summit
Friday, 11 Jun 2021 - OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada supports the National Council of Canadian Muslims calling for a national summit to address the rise of Islamophobia in Canada and is ready to host such an event. “...
The Green Party is disappointed that Ms. Atwin is leaving but accepts her decision
Thursday, 10 Jun 2021 - OTTAWA – Green Party Leader Annamie Paul has issued the following statement: “Today we learned that Jenica Atwin, Green MP for Fredericton, New Brunswick has crossed the floor to join the Liberal...