
    World AIDS Day

    Media Release | Thursday, 01 Dec 2011
    OTTAWA – December 1st is World AIDS Day and the Green Party of Canada is encouraging the Government of Canada to put greater resources into the fight against HIV.  “An estimated 33.3 million people...

    Atamanenko Leads Non-Partisan Effort for Department of Peace

    Media Release | Wednesday, 30 Nov 2011
    Ottawa, ON –Alex Atamanenko, MP (BC Southern Interior), was joined at a press conference today by fellow peace advocates, along with Elizabeth May of the Green Party and Liberal Jim Karygiannis to...

    Omnibus Crime Bill off Target

    Media Release | Tuesday, 29 Nov 2011
    OTTAWA -- Today, Elizabeth May, Member of Parliament for Saanich – Gulf Islands and Leader of the Green Party of Canada, will put forward motions in the House of Commons to amend Bill C-10, with the...

    May presents Housing Petition

    Media Release | Monday, 28 Nov 2011
    On Monday, November 28th, MP Elizabeth May will table an affordable housing petition in the House of Commons. She and newly elected Vancouver City Councillor Adriane Carr have been working to draw...

    Greens win big in New Zealand Election

    Media Release | Sunday, 27 Nov 2011
    The Green Party of Canada sends its congratulations to the New Zealand Greens who won a historic thirteen seats in Parliament in this week’s election.  Winning just over 10% of the vote, the Greens...

    Green Party Greetings on Islamic New Year

    Media Release | Saturday, 26 Nov 2011
    The Green Party of Canada sends greetings for Al-Hijra, the Islamic New Year, this year falling near or on November 26th.  This important day is celebrated on the first day of the month of Muharram,...

    Greens support White Ribbon Campaign

    Media Release | Friday, 25 Nov 2011
    In Canada, the White Ribbon campaign extends from November 25, the International Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women, until December 6, Canada's National Day of Remembrance and Action...

    Greens Happy about Roundup Review

    Media Release | Wednesday, 23 Nov 2011
    The Green Party of Canada is applauding a federal court ruling ordering Health Canada to undertake a formal safety review of the impact of the herbicide Roundup, with a focus on amphibians.  "On...

    First Green Party Win for Vancouver City Council

    Media Release | Sunday, 20 Nov 2011
    VANCOUVER – In a nail biter victory, Adriane Carr won a seat on Vancouver's City Council by 90 votes last night. "Adriane's commitment to public service is second to none and the people of Vancouver...