
Federal Council Elections Resolutions View Election Results

View Ratification Results

The ratification voting on constitutional resolutions is now complete, and the results have been tabulated. View Results PDF (200KB) >>

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to help shape the future of our party by proposing resolutions, sponsoring motions, putting forward their name for council, and casting their vote.

Resolutions that received more than 60 percent support, will be recommended for adoption without further discussion during the opening plenary of the Convention. The remaining resolutions will go to workshops at the Convention, where amendments that do not substantially change the intent of the motion may be proposed.

The amended resolutions will then come before the Convention plenary for decision. To be adopted, plenary resolutions require the support of more than 60% of the voting members present for policy and directive resolutions, and 2/3 (66.6%) support for all other resolutions. At the Convention, resolutions with the highest percentage of "yellow" votes will be given priority consideration by workshops.

As required by the Party's Constitution, constitutional resolutions adopted by Convention must be sent to members for a ratification vote where they must receive more than 50% support. In the case of policy, by-law amendments, directives, and procedural motions adopted by the Convention, a ratification vote is not required and they take effect on passage at the Convention itself. To learn more, read our Constitution.

For a full list of newly elected federal councillors, resolutions and results, View Results PDF (200KB) >>