Treatment of Foreign Workers

% Green:
% Yellow:
% Red:
Voting Detail:
% Ratified:

Party Commentary

This motion is consistent with Green Party labour policy.


WHEREAS foreign workers do not have access to the same benefits and working conditions as Canadian workers and

WHEREAS foreign workers may be required from time to time,


BE IT RESOLVED that the Green Party of Canada opposes the temporary Foreign Worker Program, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that until the elimination of unfair Foreign Worker Programs, that foreign workers be placed on an even footing with other workers in terms of collective bargaining and rights under the law.

Chris Alders, Damon Bath, Wesley Stevens, Brian Timlick, Joe Foster, Danny Polifroni, Eric Walton, Scott Harrison, Rick Freeman, Patricia Farnese, Stacey Leadbetter, lorraine Rekmans, Grant Sharp, Roslyn Woodcock, Dirk Heoppner, Erich Jacoby Hawkins, John Hague, John Redekopp, Janice Harvey, Drew Fenwick


Foreign workers do not have access to EI, WCB or benefits ordinarily available to other workers. Some have no voice and are set up by their employer in housing arrangements that are not to their advantage. If they complain, they fear they may be sent back to their homeland. There may also be a backlash against them because of the unemployment rate here, but they are not to blame for taking advantage of a situation they bought into. There have even been reports of managers forcing foreign workers to surrender overtime pay under threat of dismissal.



Proposal Type


Submitter Name

Brian Timlick

Party Commentary

This motion is consistent with Green Party labour policy.


WHEREAS foreign workers do not have access to the same benefits and working conditions as Canadian workers and

WHEREAS foreign workers may be required from time to time,


BE IT RESOLVED that the Green Party of Canada opposes the temporary Foreign Worker Program, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that until the elimination of unfair Foreign Worker Programs, that foreign workers be placed on an even footing with other workers in terms of collective bargaining and rights under the law.


Chris Alders, Damon Bath, Wesley Stevens, Brian Timlick, Joe Foster, Danny Polifroni, Eric Walton, Scott Harrison, Rick Freeman, Patricia Farnese, Stacey Leadbetter, lorraine Rekmans, Grant Sharp, Roslyn Woodcock, Dirk Heoppner, Erich Jacoby Hawkins, John Hague, John Redekopp, Janice Harvey, Drew Fenwick


Foreign workers do not have access to EI, WCB or benefits ordinarily available to other workers. Some have no voice and are set up by their employer in housing arrangements that are not to their advantage. If they complain, they fear they may be sent back to their homeland. There may also be a backlash against them because of the unemployment rate here, but they are not to blame for taking advantage of a situation they bought into. There have even been reports of managers forcing foreign workers to surrender overtime pay under threat of dismissal.