Policy - 1992 - Pigeon Lake, Alberta

Pigeon Lake, Alberta, 2-5 September 1992


Whereas we recognize the need to move towards bioregional self-sufficiency, whereby ecologically sustainable economic activities are promoted and non-sustainable activities are phased out; and

Whereas we recognize bioregional specific tariff barriers as the vital tool to protect and promote sustainable products and services in that bioregion; and

Whereas we recognize the objective to reduce consumption and pollution levels in all communities and bioregions; and

Whereas the "developed" North must equalize its consumption patterns with those of the "developing" South, and must assist the South to eliminate human poverty; and

Whereas we recognize the right of all peoples to self-determination, and therefore the right of peoples living non-industrial lifestyles in undeveloped bioregions to continue to pursue those lifestyles if they so wish; and

Whereas we recognize the need to stabilize the planetary human population, with the objective of eventually bringing this population within ecologically sustainable levels; and

Whereas we recognize that the settlement and growth patterns throughout the world have developed along the colonialist model, forcing overdependency on import/export trade;

We therefore see the need for a transition period from the present growth directed industrial model to the bioregional model, and that our present model of free trade based solely on the criteria of marketplace profit, capital accumulation and rapid resource extraction must be replaced by a trade model of ecologically sustainable services and products; and so

Resolved that international criteria be set by a legally recognized UN body, which examines the social, economic, and environmental sustainability of products and services for inter-regional trade; and

Resolved that passing these criteria be a condition of reducing or removing restrictive tariffs on products and services included in multilateral trade agreements; and

Resolved that such trade be balanced so that any given bioregion's imports and exports are complementary; and

Resolved that imports and exports be reduced unilaterally or by multilateral agreement, as bioregions reduce consumption levels, and as they become more self-sufficient; and

Resolved that no exports be accepted from bioregions or corporations that invade or damage lands claimed by and used by peoples living low-technology, non-industrial lifestyles; and in light of these beliefs and resolutions we have

Further resolved that as the North American Free Trade Agreement does not meet the above criteria and objectives, but is rather an attempt by transnational corporations to escape national laws establishing environmental and labour standards, the Green Party of Canada objects to the signing of the North American Free Trade Agreement; and

Further resolved that the Green Party of Canada will seek avenues by which to oppose the North American Free Trade Agreement, and if elected to form the Government of Canada, it will remove the nation from the Canada-U.S. Free Trade Agreement and the North American Free Trade Agreement.

Agreed by consensus at the Green Party of Canada National Convention and Gathering, Pigeon Lake, Alberta, on Friday, September 4, 1992.


Whereas the National Parks are a national and international trust; and

Whereas the National Parks are a respository for biodiversity, and that this biodiversity is threatened by human activity both within and outside of the Parks; and

Whereas the National Parks include some of a diminishing supply of wild lands under pressure of escalating use by humans; and

Whereas all species have the inherent right to exist in their natural habitat; and

Whereas the National Parks represent a huge catalyst for economic activity in the surrounding communities; and

Whereas the National Parks provide essential non-market economic services (such as cleansing the air and water, and by providing habitat for species that control pest insects):

Resolved that the federal government should have the power to expropriate provincial Crown lands to create new National Parks in ecologically significant areas; and

Resolved that these new Parks should have no commercial activities within them; and

Resolved that existing National Parks should be expanded where possible onto adjacent public lands when necessary to provide a sufficient land base to ensure the stability of animal populations; and

Resolved that equestrian recreational activities should be curtailed in National Parks, and that equestrian tour operators be required to pay for the significant damage to public trails caused by their horses; and in addition

Whereas helecopter recreational activities are polluting and a menace to the survival of large mammals such as caribou (not to mention obnoxious, elitist and unnecessary), the Green Party of Canada/Parti Vert du Canada resolved that helecopter recreational activities should be permanently banned from National Parks.

Passed at the Green Party of Canada National Convention and Gathering, Pigeon Lake, Alberta, 2-7 September 1992.


Whereas the band structure was set up by the Canadian government through the Indian Act and was intended to replace traditional First Nations and assimilate aboriginal peoples into Canadian society; and

Whereas each First Nation has a right to self-determination;

Resolved that the Greens recognize First Nations' self-chosen governments; and

Further resolved that the Greens recognize any governmental treaties any First Nation is signatory to as internationally binding agreements; and

Further resolved that any negotiation with aboriginal peoples be through each nation's self-chosen government, not through Indian bands or any other artificial structure set up by the Canadian government, unless it is the wish of the particular nation involved; and

Further resolved that any negotiations be individually done with each First Nation, thereby respecting each nation's right to self- determination and the rule of international law respecting treaty process; and

Further resolved that the Greens recognize the right of each First Nation to negotiate land claim settlements; and

Further resolved that the Greens recognize the right of each First Nation to self-government including negotiating sovereignty- association.

Endorsed by the membership in a mail-in ratification - Green Party of Canada Convention and Gathering, Pigeon Lake, Alberta, 3 September 1992.