Final Sessions from Cancun

Elizabeth May

The session resumed at about 2:45 AM. President of COP explained the
process she proposed. Meetings will take place under two different
instruments.  The KP, with a meeting called CMP (Comm of the Meeting of
the Parties). Then the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
Conference of the Parties (COP).

She is proposing a slightly complicated process to minimize conflict.
First convene the CMP to accept the report of AWG - KP, and then adjourn
and go to COP. COP will accept report of AWG-LCA.

Then she will return to CMP and then COP for official decision-taking.

Turning to John Ashe, co-chair of AWG KP. Very even report, referencing a
party with a concern. And submitted the KP report to the COP.

We will now consider the draft decisions on KP. Can I understand we can adopt these two decisions?

Bolivia: first of all, we want to say that in the last plenary of the
AWG KP, Bolivia gave the reasons we cannot go along with this decision.
 We feel that there is no basis for consensus. It is a step backwards.
It postpones indefinitely the second commitment period of KP, and more
like Copenhagen Accord of pledge and review.  We don't really know what
the lists of various annex one couintries are. We have clearly stated
that if what is proposed here is the Copenhagen Accord, it willl cause
an increase of 4 degrees.


What is going to emerge from this decision will be a weaker framework.
We feel furthermore that while there is no commitment by industriliazed
to reduce GHG, but wish they can benefit from the benefits of Kyoto.  We
oppose the document.

We have all listened to your concerns,  we have spend years
discussing the issues before us tonight. We have had many
consulatations. Of course, I do note your concern, and if there are no
other opinions the text is approved.

(Applause, standing cheering)

Bolivia requests the floor, but before doing so, these decisions, as the
main results of this CMP6 will be issued as the Cancun Agreements.