22:30 More Speakers: EU, Turkey, Uruguay, Bangladesh, Guyana

Elizabeth May

Connie Hedegaard on behalf of EU. (She who ran the Copenhagen talks as Min of Env for Denmark, now climate negotiator for the EU). We have taken substantial new steps. We applaud the skilful and clever way the Mexican presidency has brought this package to us.

Turkey: We greatly appreciate your leadership. We support the work we have accomplished.

Uruguay: we are a small country with a small delegation. We have concentrated on agriculture which is a fundamental aspect of our economy. We deplore the loss of language we nearly had agreed upon, but we will keep working until Durban. We can keep working because of the transparency. We must strengthen multi-lateralism.

Bangladesh: thanks for your tireless work. The process is inclusive and transparent. In a multi-lateral process, it is difficult if there is no flexibility. We feel this is a good outcome. We are pleased with the outcomes for adaptation. Thank you for allowing me to co-chair the group on finance. Green Climate Fund. I am pleased to support this text. This is not a question of development for Bangladesh. This is a question of survival for Bangladesh.

Guyana:  echoes the views of very many in supporting the text.