
Elizabeth May

and gratitude to Mexico.
I understand how tired all of us here feel.  This conference is in sharp
contrast with Copenhagen.
 A year has passed with undue pressure since Copenhagen. Effort to attempt to legitimize
that sad non-document, Copenhagen Accord. (He refers to Wikileaks without
naming it and the cables setting out US government efforts to bribe and
bully countries into signing on to the CA).

Evo Morales is a democratically elected president of Bolivia. He is attacked by the right
and in a racist fashion. It is all too often in our summits that the role of
civil society is shut out.

Here we are talking about the survival of the human race.  Bolivia speaks
on behalf of Latin American civil society. Cuba
agrees with Bolivia
that there are not clear GHG levels. Since we are talking about average
temperatures, 20 million people are already hungry.  Rising temps will
increase poverty and hungry.

We should have additional ways to deal with these issues.  We read this
document as a clear commitment to move on to the 2nd commitment period.

I am concerned about the fashion in which financial transactions are discussed.

Please listen with patience and flexibility to the proposal of Venezuela, supported by Saudi Arabia that the issue return
to working groups.